Friday, April 27, 2007


'But Jesus was silent.' Mt 26:63

The Silence is Meekness.
When you do not defend yourself against offenses;
When you do not claim your rights;
When you let God defend you;
The Silence is Meekness.

The Silence is Mercy.
When you do not reveal the faults of your brothers to
When you readily forgive without inquiring into the
When you do not judge, but pray in your heart;
The Silence is Mercy.

The Silence is Patience.
When you accept suffering not with grumbling but
When you do not look for human consolations;
When you do not become too anxious, but wait in
patience for the seed to germinate;
The Silence is Patience.

The Silence is Humility.
When there is no competition;
When you consider the other person to be better than
When you let your brothers emerge, grow and mature;
When you joyfully abandon all to the Lord;
When your actions may be misinterpreted;
When you leave to others the glory of the enterprise;
The Silence is Humility.

The Silence is Faith.
When you keep quiet because you know that the Lord will
When you renounce the voice of the world to remain in
the presence of the Lord;
When you do not labour yourself to be understood;
because it is enough for you to know that the Lord
understands you;
The Silence is Faith.

The Silence is Adoration.
When you embrace the cross without asking 'Why?';
The Silence is Adoration.

Thanks to the Missionaries of Charity who shared this with our friends at

Silence is so undervalued and yet, sometimes God speaks in a whisper.
Peace be with you all.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Trend of 'Believing without Belonging'

The Trend of 'Believing without Belonging'

My belief requires belonging to Church. The apostles were all of one church. Christ always sends out his own in groups of 2. Jesus said "Where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst".

One sin that is at the basis of many is pride. If you can finid your salvation without church, you are putting pride in yourself above all. Church keeps the voice of Satan in check. If the inner voice contradicts church then prayer is needed for stregnth and guidance from God. His scripture and the teaching of the church will keep the evil one in line.

Lord be with us and align us always with your church. May we be subject to your your word and law so that we may rightly call you Lord of our life. Thank you Jesus for all you have done and continue to do in our lives. May we be one in you as you are one in the Father.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Holy Week: Walking to the Cross

Holy Week: Walking to the Cross

Gods Love

Nothing we can do holds the significance of Christ's action.

So if our inner drive is to prove something to God or the world or ourselves, our actions are a poor indicator then of the effect of God's Love in our lives. It is when we come to the cross, we see the cross, we respond to the cross- this motion that is cross-oriented that centers our thoughts lives and placement in creation.

The same activity- Acolyte, minster of communion, feeder of the hungry - activities that we are moved to do because of the love of God can backfire if we say "Look what I can do!". Even "Look what I can do for you Lord" is a big "Look At Me" that smacks of the evil the Lord has warned us against. Yet it is His word that brings us to action.

So let everything we Do or Say, be it in the Church or the Living Room, Our Car or the Work Place not promote anything but Life in the Shadow of the Cross. This is the Life Francis promoted: Do not look at what I can do for God, but what God can do.

Mother Of All Peoples - Mary, First Witness of the Resurrection

Mother Of All Peoples - Mary, First Witness of the Resurrection

Were you there when they rolled the stone away?......

I found myself thinking of Mary this past Sunday, After holding her dead son on Friday, and knowing his words and having an incredible trust in Jesus and the will of God. Why would the mother of God be involved in the reserection?

1. Jesus' Mother followed Jesus. She was mentioned as travelling with him often.
2. She was present at the foot of the cross. She had a great devotion to Jesus.
3. Her faith went beyond the visible physics of the universe, the Annunciation, The miracle of water into wine.
4. Her Love was returned tenfold. She was given a Son in John at the foot of the cross, she was the example of one who does Gods will when Jesus called All who do God's will as my mother, and my brothers and sisters.
5. Jesus did appear to only a few, but the few that would testify to the truth. Mary's life was a testimony to the truth. She was also blessed among women so her hope would not go unrewarded.

Our hearts could not fathom the joy in Mary's Easter encounter. This moment is one captured in the believers heart and not words.