Friday, January 24, 2014

Jesus says you are going to be o.k

A Note from our fraternity minister: 

Pray for Father Victor Martin, Pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Fairfield.  Father Martin has recently been diagnosed with thyroid cancer and he shared this information with his Parishioners during Sunday Mass.  A friend who was there shared the following story with our Rosary group at St. Pius X Church in Fairfield last Friday.  After this Mass at St. Thomas Church, a little boy about 5 or 6 years old told his mother that he needed to talk to Father Martin.  When he saw Father Martin he told him the following:  "Father, when you held up the Host, I saw Jesus.  The little boy then threw his arms around Father Martin's legs and hugged him and said, "Jesus says you are going to be o.k.". 
I know this is unusual but I wanted to "Give God the Glory" by telling you about this story.  What a mighty God we have!  He loves us so much and He will go to great lengths to let His children know how much He loves each and every one of us--even speaking through a child!  We are so blessed to be God's children.  

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Meditation: One in Love

I sat a while in this meditation from Richard Rohr.  I believe St. Francis often prayed within this oneness.

Rest: Object Meditation

Look around you and notice your surroundings at this moment. Let your eyes fall on some object—perhaps a candle, tree, rock, or creature. Simply observe the object, without judging or labeling. Give your full attention, senses, and presence to this object.

Gradually let your gaze soften and take in the more-than-matter-ness that is also here. Deepen your awareness of God’s presence within this thing and within you.

Rest in silence for several minutes (or continue with a longer time of contemplative prayer) and then turn your gaze to bless the rest of the room, landscape, and world in which you find yourself, one in Love.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

A Prayer of Pope Francis

Mary, Virgin and Mother,
you who, moved by the Holy Spirit,
welcomed the word of life
in the depths of your humble faith:
as you gave yourself completely to the Eternal One,
help us to say our own 'yes'
to the urgent call, as pressing as ever,
to proclaim the good news of Jesus.

Filled with Christ's presence,
you brought joy to John the Baptist,
making him exult in the womb of his mother.
Brimming over with joy,
you sang of the great things done by God.

Standing at the foot of the cross,
with unyielding faith,
you received the joyful comfort of the resurrection,
and joined the disciples in awaiting the Spirit
so that the evangelizing Church might be born.

Obtain for us now a new ardor born of the resurrection,
that we may bring to all the Gospel of Life
which triumphs over death.
Give us a holy courage to seek new paths,
that the gift of unfading beauty may reach
every man and woman.

Virgin of listening and contemplation,
Mother of love, Bride of the eternal wedding feast,
pray for the Church,
whose pure icon you are,
that she may never be closed in on herself
or lose her passion for establishing God's kingdom.

Star of the new evangelization,
help us to bear radiant witness
to communion, service, ardent and generous faith,
justice and love of the poor,
that the joy of the Gospel may reach to the ends of the earthy,
illuminating even the fringes of our world.

Mother of the living Gospel,
wellspring of happiness for God's little ones, pray for us!
Amen! Alleluia!
(Source: Evangelii Gaudium, 288)