Monday, December 09, 2013

A prayer for the coming of Christ in My Life

Father God,

Thank you for the advent gifts of hope, peace, joy and love.
By accepting and opening thse gifts in my life, I realize that I need a savior.  Because I accept Jesus, your Son as my Savior my life is forever changed.

May I always be the face of forgiveness- just as Jesus forgave sins and so opened communications between God and man as well as each other. Give me courage to be forgivness in a society that expects revenge as payment for hurt.

May I always be the face of nonviolence, treating others as I myself would want to be treated. Give me the ability to see your presence in each heart so that I may treat others as I would treat God, for he truely exists in each created person.

May I always be the face of unconditional love, a love that is freely received and given. Give me the ability to walk a mile in the shoes of others, and to see that you walk with and love them as you surely do patiently with me.

In doing these things, not on my own power but yours, Father, may the fruit of your gifts and your work with in me be a world that knows your love, where justice and peace shall kiss.

I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.