Monday, April 17, 2006

The Easter Bunny

The above story is about a family who finds out one of the neighbor's families did not have a visit from the Easter bunny.

In a "What Would Jesus Do? " moment, the importance of our relationships is revitalization, like the spring time sun calling to life all the animals and the offspring who came to life in the winter months.

We are likewise called to Life, Death and Love living in the Son as we profess that we do.

We are called to be free from inactivity and hiding, to live on the earth promoting God's kingdom. That's why he put us here and that's what he'll be looking for when he returns.

Do not hide the Easter light under the basket of fear, but shine, come forth and believe. The opportunity God gives us is before us. Grasp it wholeheartedly and you will be rewarded wholeheartedly.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Loved Into Action

LifeSupport : Message: Loved Into Action

Despite his best sales pitch, a life insurance salesman was unable
to get a couple to sign up for a policy. "I certainly don't want to
frighten you into a decision," he announced, standing up to leave.
"Please sleep on it tonight, and if you wake up in the morning, let
me know what you think."
People can be motivated by many different means. Fear is commonly
used. So is guilt. But many people find that other kinds of
motivation are usually more effective in getting more out of those
with whom we live and work.
A twelve-year-old girl took her younger brother, who suffered from a
mental disability, Christmas shopping. As they went into a
department store, the boy accidentally bumped a display, knocking
shoes in every direction. A weary and frazzled clerk grabbed the boy
by the arm and demanded, "Pick them up."
"No," the boy screamed in defiance.
"Pick them up," the clerk shouted.
"No," the boy shouted back.
His older sister began picking up shoes. The boy started to help.
Before long, the boy, his sister and the tired clerk were working
together to put the shoes back in order.
When they finished, the girl taught the clerk a profound lesson with
these words: "You have to love my brother into doing it."
If you live or work with people, you may benefit from her advice. If
you want people to respond to you, try loving them into action.
Flies and people prefer honey. When you fill people with what they
want, you're likely to get what you want out of them.

It was a love like this that brought Jesus to Earth. Jesus humbled himself to our level and provided an example to us of how it live.
God provides us with wonderful examples and reminders of His Love. The Key to finding God is to recognize love's presence and to open love's presents.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Shark Tank: Isn't that kinda like what software is made of? | Computerworld Blogs

Shark Tank: Isn't that kinda like what software is made of? Computerworld Blogs

A reputation often goes along with a particular profession. It may not seem the case but as a programmer, one is seen to be the genius. The genius truly lies in one of two categories:

Making Sense: Something doesn't look right; one comes up with options to make it right. The problem must be dissected and the root of the problem comes clear.

Common Sense: The answer will jump out if a certain factor (known or unknown) is brought to light.

The fish in the above article is genius for taking his place and being adaptable enough to solve the problem. So its not software. Deal with it.

Danielle Bean - My Dutiful Dryer

Danielle Bean

Danielle writes bout her dryer in her blog. Her apppreciation of her family and her environment comes through on her blog. It is amusing, insightful sometimes scary - just like life.

The Franciscan concept of poverty came to mind when I read about her dryer. Full of quirks and up and downs, it is an icon of possession. I thought about how good of God to provide this dryer to her.

I don't think St. Francis would be one to have a dryer. He surely wouldn't have gone out to buy one. If he had one, he probably would have given it away. He might think twice if it had the quirks of Danielle's dryer. In which case he would be heard "Be praised my Lord for Sister Dryer who helps me clothe the naked...."

With all the things that can go wrong with possessions, that sentiment is not so bad.