Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Mary Appears

Last week I was driving home from dropping off my son Dylan at my sister-in-laws house. It was morning and the sun was low, shining from behind houses and trees. A bright though cool spring day had arrived!

Driving down the hill, I saw on the hill not far away a lone house, a tree... and an image of Our Lady!
The image lasted for the drive down the hill. I was filled with joy, realising that the Mother of God would choose to come and gently touch my life this morning, inviting me to prayer, inviting me close to her Son as well as our Father.

There are those who would argue that Mary was not there. No evidence. I don't know if the person in the car in back of mine would recognize her. That in itself is OK. I KNOW Mary was there. In fact, the only evidence I can offer is that my heart lept.
For people who do not believe in leaping hearts, intercession or that God can break into nature at His will, no explaination can be given. For those who believe, no explaination need be given.

Just know that Mary showed up in Bridgeport, CT on March 25, 2006. God has not and will not forsake us. Just follow Mary's example and say yes to Him.

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