Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Call of Lady Poverty

The following quote was shared by one of my spiritual mentors Fr. George Maslar, OFM Conv.:

"Many of us struggle with the same isues as the pre-converted (St.) Francis (of Assisi), with a pampered life and a mediocre and dying faith. We know that our faith calls us to work for social justice and that this demand is non-negotiable. We know, too, as somebody once put it with a praiseworthy succinctness, that strength without compassion is violence; that compassion without justice is weakness; that justice without love is Marxism; and that love without justice is baloney! What we don't know is that the preferential option for the poor is the cure for our mediocre and dying faith."Ronald Rolheiser

This was the call of Lady Poverty- why Francis was called to always be in her presence. Lady Poverty pushes the envelope continually. There is no earthly comfort zone here, only earth stripped away, revealing the face of Love that those of the world spurn.

In the presence of poverty, God's might alone is our strength, His sacrafice is the source of our compassion, His law is the word of justice. Love is found in the truth and that truth is ever lasting.

Each Day God calls us to bring his love to the world; an unapologetic love that makes the mighty uncomfortable and makes the uncomfortable mighty. Be the Face of Love!

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