Thursday, August 02, 2007

St. Juan Diego is model of lay evangelist says Mexican cardinal

St. Juan Diego is model of lay evangelist says Mexican cardinal

Echoes of St. Francis of Assisi and his evangelization entered as I read this article. St. Francis always submitted to his bishop, and then, in starting his order, to the pope. The comments about St Juan Diego and his releationship with his bishop remind me of our relationship with the Pope, who has been teaching and clarifying the position of the church.

Juan Diego's obediance to our lady and the church as personified in the bishop speak volumes of his love for Jesus. And the miracle that blessed him is an echo through history that God will bless us he will not abandon us, he will provide for us and provide abundantly.

It is said that if you look with a microscope into the eyes of our lady's image on the tilma, that the images of those present can be seen in those eyes. Just as we are always present in the eyes of God, in an eternal gaze of love.

May St. Juan Diego and our lady keep us in prayer before our Lord. May he steady our steps in walking the path set before us and so enter our eternal reward.

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