Monday, November 12, 2007

Miracle Monday

The following reflection from Jim Rohn reflects my belief that Miracles abound in everyday life. Thanks to Sr. Pat for the quote!

I have found in life that if you want a miracle
you first need to do whatever it is you can do -
if that's to plant, then plant;
if it is to read, then read;
if it is to change, then change;
if it is to study, then study;
if it is to work, then work;
whatever you have to do.
And then you will be well on your way of doing the labor that works miracles.
Jim Rohn.

What miracles did you experience today?
The smile of a child.
A revelation of a mystery of who I am
Feet trodding familiar paths
A fall breeze foreboding winter.
A memory of a face from the past, a prayer on my lips.
A moment to pause and marvel- Shhh... I'm talking to God!

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