Friday, December 05, 2008

Prayers to the unborn Lord Jesus

Think about Jesus, as an unborn child within the circumstances that God placed him within our story of redemption. Thank you Lord for coming to us and being with us.

Lord, thank You for first coming among us as the Unborn Christ Child. Today, untold numbers of our tiny sisters and brothers have been abandoned by the world’s leaders, by the traditional defenders of justice, by the healing professions and even by their own parents. But You are their Savior—You have not forgotten them. Savior, rescue and protect these little ones from the neglect and violence of an uncaring world.

Merciful Lord, Your tiny infant heart, which was later emptied on the cross, offers this world its only hope. Forgive us our sins against the unborn, against their parents and against all Your children. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us.

Prince of Peace, through Your healing Spirit, help us to lovingly accept every conceived child created in Your image and likeness, as a messenger of peace and goodwill towards all people. Amen.

Taken from : The Unborn Word Alliance

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