Sunday, May 23, 2010

Into Thy Word

Into Thy Word ..........

Into Thy Word..............

It is into thy word Lord I find
Much strength for each new day,
It fills my heart and soul with joy,
It prepares me for the by and by.

Lord, each new morning as I flip
Through its pages smudged and worn,
I find such comfort within my soul,
It fills my heart and makes me whole.

I ask for wisdom each time I read
To understand thy word indeed,
It gives me strength, joy and peace,
Thy word brings, such sweet relief.

Lord, thy word is a map for my feet
As I learn thy truth from within,
I will apply it to my daily living,
And seek to do the best I can.

Thy word is my strength and tower
It is my bread for each new day,
It is my drink when I am thirsty,
Lord, you're my life, You are the way.

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