Saturday, October 08, 2016

Intercessions for October 9, 2016

October 9, 2016  Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Intercessions :  Heavenly Father, your son reminded us that gratitude for your gifts is the attitude we should hol as we come before you. Knowing you always hear an answer or prayers we present our petitions before you

Image result for twenty eighth sunday in ordinary time year c·        For our church leaders that they lead us ever closer to God’s merciful love and demonstrate the sharing of that mercy with others, we pray to the Lord

·        That as we prepare for our upcoming national elections, we may respect and see the love of God in all people we pray to the Lord, 

·        For those who are living in the storms of life, that they may experience and find consolation in the presence of God and his people,               

·        For those in our parish families, that we may always respect life in all it stages as a gift from God, we pray to the Lord,

·        For the Hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the homeless, and the unemployed, that their faith may bring them to new life, we pray to the Lord,         

·        For those struggling with their faith. May they come to feel God’s saving power, we pray to the Lord

·        For those who have asked us for prayers and those who we encounter who need prayers, we pray to the Lord

·        For those who have died, and all those who are remembered in the offering of Masses this week.

Father, you hear our prayers, spoke and unspoken.  May we always stand in expectant gratitude as we draw near and raise our  petitions to you.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.

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