Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our True Face

Ghandi said:

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
It seems to me that Christ still suffers today.

If we have the spirit of Christ within us, and everyone who accepts Christ and eats his flesh and drinks his blood, Then the anonymous face on the street is not so anonymous. We will have to answer to the king when he asks us of we fed the hungry clothed the naked and all the meriful acts he REQUIRES of us as followers.

Anything less is lip service and brown nosing.

If the Christian (myself included) does not live up to this, yet insures that SELF is fed, SELF is clothed and we do not concern with the person next store or the person holding their hand out on the street, then we deny Christ. If we see Christ in ourselves but cannot see Christ in the Other, then we are missing the Christ He wants us to see.

No matter how hard we try, we cannot see our true face:
In a mirror, the image is reversed.
In a photo we are captured in a monment.
Though a video, we see what the lens (or person behind the lens) can see.

Yet a stranger walking the street would see our glance.
Our spouses can see the look of the emotion of the moment.
Nature can observe the joy.

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