Wednesday, May 04, 2005

National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer .::. Home

Why a National Day of Prayer? Many People have problems getting started praying or committing themselves to prayer. This day brings focus to prayer and again invites us to draw near to God through prayer.

Prayer holds an important place in my life. The answer for me has several facits:

To Dedicate the country to God. God was important to this country throughout history and neither God nor country has given up on this realationship as of yet.

To renew my commitment to prayer. Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of everlasting life. To fufill the desire the Lord has set afire in me - to make my life a prayer.

To open myself to to Spirit so that God may be present to others through me.

To convert our thinking to make every day a day of prayer. But then, shouldn't every day be a National Day of Prayer?

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