Monday, May 02, 2005

Novena to the Holy Spirit

Pentecost is a wonderful celebration at St. James each year. The parishioners are encouraged to wear red, representing the fire of the Spirit, and there is an altar call, which is an inviitation to receive a special anointing for the courage and stregnth to respond to that call. I had not heard about in a Catholic church before St. James.

A novena is prayed from Ascension Thursday through Pentecost and I present it here for review and to remind myself to pray it as well:

Come Holy Spirit
Awaken within me the knowlege
of what you are calling me to do
at this time of my life.

Lead me to your truth
So that I can grow
in my love for Jesus
and be of greater service
to our Father.

Holy Spirit, help me to be open to
your grace and gifts within me.
Give me the courage to allow your
power to transform me so that I
may actively seek to be the Lord's
disciple in the world. Amen

Meditate on these questions, tehn pray the novena prayer again.

Are you doing enough now?

Do you recognize the need to do more or perhaps something new, but circumstances prevent you from doing so?

Are you being called to move in a new direction?
-to enter a new ministry?
-to deepen your faith though studies?
-to confront a relationship?
-to improve the quality of your life?

May anyone who reads thes words, be transformed by them.

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