Thursday, May 19, 2005

ZENIT News Agency--Terri Schiavo's Parents Greet Pope

The following article keeps Teri in our thoughts:

Let us pray:

Heavenly Father, You gift us each day with Faith Hope Love and Life, given to us unconditionally. Have mercy on your people who consider the Law of the Land above your law. Grant to us your people a conformance of our law to your law so that we may bring ourselves to live in your heavenly kingdom, as we profess daily when we prayer "Your Kingdom Come...".

Thank you for the gift of your Pope and his continued promotion of the culture of Life. Thank you for the ultimate sacrafice of Jesus, without whom there would be no hope of everlasting life. Thank you for the gift of voice to pray to you and the gift of grace which allows me to bring my prayer before you. I offer my prayers and thanks through Jesus your son, anbd the prompting of teh Holy Spirit.

ZENIT News Agency--The World Seen from Rome
Terri Schiavo's Parents Greet Pope

VATICAN CITY, MAY 18, 2005 ( Benedict XVI greeted the parents of Terri Schiavo, the American woman who died as a result of a court decision to remove her feeding tube.

At the end of today's general audience, held in St. Peter's square, the Holy Father greeted Bob and Mary Schindler, who showed him a photograph of their daughter.

The Schindlers, who were among the 25,000 pilgrims attending the audience, arrived in Rome with members of the recently created association "Missionaries of the Gospel of Life," founded by Father Frank Pavone.

Terri Schiavo's parents visited Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, on Tuesday, to thank him for speaking out in favor of Terri's life during the legal battle.

At the end of the audience, the Pope also personally greeted the sick and handicapped in wheelchairs.

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